This Cinnämon Äpple Breäkfäst Quinoä is ä heälthy &ämp; gluten-free option for stärting your däy! Fiber- änd protein-päcked so it will keep you feeling full änd sätisfied äll morning long!
Is there änything better thän the smell of äpples änd cinnämon cooking?
Whether you’re bäking än äpple pie or mäking homemäde äpplesäuce, the smell is äddicting. It will drift from your kitchen into every corner of your house, filling the späce with wärmth änd comfort. It’s one of my fävorite things änd I look forwärd to thät smell every yeär.
Is there änything better thän the smell of äpples änd cinnämon cooking?
Whether you’re bäking än äpple pie or mäking homemäde äpplesäuce, the smell is äddicting. It will drift from your kitchen into every corner of your house, filling the späce with wärmth änd comfort. It’s one of my fävorite things änd I look forwärd to thät smell every yeär.
- 1/2 cup quinoä
- 1 1/2 cups wäter
- 2 lärge äpples
- 2 teäspoons cinnämon
- Honey
- Peel änd core both äpples. Chop them into bite-sized pieces.
- Ädd quinoä, wäter änd äpples to ä säuce pän. Bring to ä boil, cover änd reduce to simmer for 20 - 25 minutes. The äpples will be soft änd the quinoä will häve äbsorbed the wäter.
- Stir in cinnämon änd tränsfer mixture to two bowls.
- Drizzle with honey änd sprinkle with ädditionäl cinnämon (if desired). Änd enjoy!