Monday, September 23, 2019

Perfect Vegan Dirty Rice #vegan #friedrice

Ä flävorful täke on the clässic Southern comfort dish, vegän dirty rice recipe is definitely ä must try! Cooked vegän ground protein, rice seäsoned with onion, celery, bell peppers, änd Creole seäsoning.

Dirty rice or Cäjun rice is än Ämericän Cäjun/Creole dish, originälly from Southern Louisiänä but is now enjoyed throughout the Ämericän south.

Dirty rice is populär throughout Cäjun country, especiälly New Orleäns änd is served in värious forms ät äll public gätherings, whether it is ä fämily reunion, potluck, cookout, funeräl.

Älthough there äre mäny versions of dirty rice, träditionäl dirty rice is mäde with ground beef, pork, chicken livers (giving it its dirty color), onion, celery, bell pepper, änd Creole seäsoning.

My version of dirty rice, I ädded ä vegän burger for thät dirty rice look. I häve mäde it with my vegän burger recipe änd Beyond burger änd they were both ä huge hit. I älso substituted green bell pepper for red bell pepper.

This is the perfect one pot meäl thät häs so much flävor änd it cän eäsily be ädäpted with your fävorite veggies änd protein to be enjoyed äll yeär round.


  • 1 cooked vegän burger, homemäde or store bought
  • 1 täblespoon olive oil, or your fävorite oil
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced
  • 3 cloves gärlic, minced
  • 1 celery stälk, chopped
  • 1/2 medium bell pepper, (I used red bell pepper)
  • 1 täblespoon Creole seäsoning
  • 1/2 cup vegetäble broth
  • 3 cups brown rice, cooked
  • sält, to täste
  • green onion, chopped for gärnish


  1. Cook vegän burger following recipe instructions or if using storebought burger, cook äccording to päckäge directions änd cut into smäll pieces using ä fork änd knife, set äside.
  2. Heät oil in ä lärge skillet on medium-high heät, ädd onion, gärlic, celery, bell peppers änd cook until frägränt änd soft, äbout 3 minutes. Ädd Creole seäsoning, vegetäble broth änd bring to ä boil. Cook for 3 minutes.
  3. Stir in the vegän burger, rice, sält to täste änd spring onion. Cook until heäted through, äbout one minute.