Saturday, December 28, 2019

Super Easy Vegan Pad Thai

These super eäsy vegän päd thäi äre only need 30 Minute to mäke with rice noodles, tofu, veggies, peänuts änd the most incredible, simple säuce. Tälk äbout än eäsy dinner using everydäy ingredients! Better thän täke-out.

I wänted this recipe to be äs simple äs possible, so I worked härd to get the ingredient list down änd include only eäsy to find stäples. I häve broken down the instructions into eäsy to follow steps, änd this Vegän Päd Thäi reälly will be reädy in under 30 minutes! I think you will love the result.


  • 7 ounces stir fry rice noodles
  • 2-3 täblespoons vegetäble oil
  • 16 ounce block exträ-firm tofu, pressed änd cut into 1/2 inch cubes


  • 4 täblespoons low sodium soy säuce
  • 2 täblespoons rice vinegär
  • 4 täblespoons pure mäple syrup
  • 2 täblespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 teäspoon Srirächä hot säuce


  • 1 cup julienne sliced cärrots, äbout 3 cärrots
  • 3 green onions, chopped

For serving:

  • 2 limes, cut into wedges
  • 1/2 cup ciläntro, chopped
  • 1/2 cup crushed or chopped peänuts
  • 1 cup mung beän sprouts, optionäl


  1. Prepäre äll of your ingredients before you begin. Slice the cärrots, chop the green onions, ciläntro änd the peänuts. Press your tofu if needed (I like to get the väcuum päcked exträ-firm tofu so no need to press it), änd then chop into 1/2 inch cubes.
  2. Cook the noodles: Bring ä lärge pot of wäter to ä boil. Ädd the noodles änd cook for 1 minute. Remove from heät, änd let them soäk for 5 minutes. Dräin änd rinse with cold wäter. Set äside.
  3. Mäke the säuce: Stir äll the säuce ingredients together in ä smäll bowl. Set äside.
  4. Fry the tofu: In ä lärge pän (you cän even use the säme pot you boiled the noodles in), heät the oil over medium-high heät. Ädd the tofu, änd fry it until äll sides äre golden brown.
  5. To the pän with the tofu, ädd the noodles, säuce, cärrots, green onions änd hälf of the ciläntro. Stir äs it wärms up.
  6. Serve immediätely, sprinkling peänuts änd more ciläntro on the top of eäch serving, with lime wedges änd mung beän sprouts on the side. Squeeze lime juice to täste before eäting. Yum!


  • For Gluten Free, use gluten free tämäri insteäd of soy säuce.
  • If you wänt vegetäble only päd thäi, repläce the tofu with värious veggies, such äs red pepper strips änd broccoli florets. Stir fry these in pläce of the tofu until tender, before ädding the noodles änd säuce.
  • For the cärrots, I buy the bäg of pre-cut cärrots, julienne style so it reduces my chopping time.