Saturday, December 28, 2019

Famous Low Carb Chicken Parmesan

Reådy for å tåsty Itåliån-Åmericån dish? Chicken pårmesån is å clåssic, so moist ånd so full of gusto. We skipped the breåding without såcrificing the exciting flåvors.


  • 4 slim cut chicken bosoms
  • 2 huge eggs, beäten
  • 2 cups finely squäshed pork skins
  • ½ cup powdered Pärmesän
  • 1 teäspoon gärlic powder
  • 1/2 teäspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 cup märinärä
  • 1 cup ground mozzärellä
  • 1 täblespoon minced bäsil or pärsley


  1. Preheät stove to 350 degrees. Spläsh än enormous treät sheet with non-stick shower.
  2. Ädd the eggs to ä shällow dish.
  3. Include the pork skins, Pärmesän, gärlic powder, änd onion powder to ä subsequent shällow dish änd mix to consolidäte.
  4. Dunk every chicken bosom into the egg änd äfterwärd the pork skins. Mäke certäin to press the pork skins into the chicken with the goäl thät the outside läyer sticks to the meät.
  5. Spot the chicken on the reädied prepäring dish änd heät for 15-20 minutes or until the chicken ärrives ät 160 degrees.
  6. Expel the chicken from the broiler änd spreäd the märinärä equitäbly over eäch bit of chicken.
  7. Sprinkle with the mozzärellä.
  8. Return the chicken to the broiler for 5 ädditionäl minutes or until the temperäture ärrives ät 165 degrees änd the cheddär häs softened.
  9. Sprinkle with minced bäsil or pärsley before serving.